9/11 Email from an Eyewitness

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A friend and colleague migrated to the United States with her family on March of 2001. She was in New York on September 11, 2001 at our company's New York office during the terrorist attacks. The office had a view of the WTC towers. Here's her recollection of the events that day in an email she shared with our group of friends a few days after the terrorist attacks.


The Evolution of Igorot Tapestry Video

A couple of good and longish videos on the recently held SMSSAFF Reunion in Chicago was posted in Youtube by user Maltreb0044. The first video below was on The Evolution of Igorot Tapestry that was taken during the cultural night. The second video was taken on the Saturday Eucharist that honored the Missionary Teachers to St. Mary's School of Sagada. If you look real closely on the second video clip, you can actually see me on the line to receive Holy Communion. Hope you enjoy the videos as I did.


A Taste of Sagada right here in Chicago – Part II

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Continued from A Taste of Sagada right here in Chicago – Part I.

Cultural Night – the TOMA Song

The cultural night also featured a well thought of fashion show that displayed the evolution of Igorot tapestry which was very well received by the American audience. A re-enactment on how the Igorots first met with American missionaries was done through pantomime, and then came one of the more emotional moments I’ve experienced in the reunion – the singing of the AY TET-EWA AY TOMA SA? (Is that really a bedbug?).

I believe I’ve sung this song once or twice a year during my elementary years. It’s a marvelously funny song about the bedbug (toma), and it entails having a leader sing a question, and the audience sing back a response. The first 2 lines goes like this:


A Taste of Sagada right here in Chicago – Part I

In Disney’s RATATOUILLE movie, the unsmiling and dour-faced food critic named ANTON EGO, tasted a dish that suddenly transported him back to his childhood days. His countenance changed as he gamely savored the dish he was giving a critique on, and the warm childhood memories that accompanied the dish showed dramatically in his facial expression. He actually smiled, and proceeded to devour the rest of the dish with childish joy. In our family, we call such an experience a “ratatouille moment”. It is that warm, wonderful, indescribable feeling you’d get when you bite into food that reminds you of a great dishes from the past.


Sagada Missionaries Honored

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sagada MissionariesThe 5th St. Mary's School Sagada Alumni and Friends Foundation (SMSSAFF) Conference held in the northern Chicago suburb of Park Ridge honored Sagada's teaching missionaries. During the final night of the conference last August 6, 2011, a cultural show was held in honor of the school's missionaries. It started with a photo slideshow of the missionary honorees, and included a fashion show, a skit on the arrival of the missionaries in Sagada, and performance of Igorot dances. Earlier in the day, a church service was held in St. Mary's Episcopal Church where the conference was held.