Saturday BUFFET at the Log Cabin
Sunday, February 10, 2008
When in Sagada, I normally eat at home. But I tried the LOG CABIN once and it's been unforgettable. I regret not having more chances to eat there... Oh well, there will be more times to do so in the future.
It doesn't have a large seating capacity so check several hours before you plan to dine. Bon Appetit!
St. Mary the Virgin Church
Saturday, February 2, 2008
I was baptized at St. Mary the Virgin Church right smack at the center of the Mission Compound. I attended choir practice here, and Sunday school and mass as well.
Predominantly Anglican Sagada and the neighboring town of Besao were visited by American missionaries in the early 20th century. My grandparents on both sides were Anglican as well.
On a visit to England several years back, I mentioned to an elderly couple how our town was 90% or more Anglican. They expressed amazement. Apparently England, where the Anglican movement began, may not have a town that is as exclusively Anglican as Sagada.
(Thanks to Marge A. for the pictures.)
Candle in the Wind
"I may not have gone where I intended to go but I think I have ended up where I needed to be".
The Douglas Adams quote was the latest shout-out my friend, Zennia, posted in her Friendster profile. Alas, that woud be her last. Two weeks ago, a suicide bomber launched an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan's only 5-star hotel where Zennia worked as a spa supervisor. She was critically wounded, and soon passed away.
I've known Zennia since my elementary days - she was a batch younger than me, and a consistent honor student. We were bonfire-mates on some chilly Sagada nights. I remember her for her quick and witty comments.
We exchanged emails when she was in Afghanistan on Oct 2006. She joked that she was on a mission hunting an infamous fugitive in the Afghan mountains. She also encouraged me to visit the Burj Al Arab in Dubai one day, saying it would be a great experience for the kids. (Heck, if that visit was to happen, the kids with me would be my grandkids.) And, she did admit that they rarely venture outside the hotel due to bombings in Kabul. It was tragic that the hotel was not immune to the bombings which would soon cut short Zennia's life.
She greeted me on my birthday last year. I'm ashamed to say that I dont remember thanking her for that. I called my mother yesterday, and learned that Zennia's funeral just concluded. A batchmate of hers sang "You Raise Me Up" beautifully during the church service.
Our prayers and condolences go to the Aguilan family.
Links to:
GMA News Account on Zennia
Zennia's Friendster profile
Manja's Blog on Zennia
Complete Coverage on Zennia at:
Sagada Guides Blog
Friday, February 1, 2008
Finally, a website for Sagada Guides. It contains guide rates, sample itineraries, and a list of possible accomodations. It is a must-see site especially for first time visitors to Sagada, or those that have not visited in years.
Lots of pictures in this blog including a cheeky one with a lad in g-string. (Click Here). I don't think it was necessary though. :-) But, point well taken.