11 Years and Counting

Sunday, July 19, 2009

11th wedding anniversaryLast weekend, my wife and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. It was a simple celebration - we packed some snacks and headed to the beach, got lost along the way, but still arrived at the beach on time to enjoy the sun and the sand for a good 3 hours. Chicago's Foster Beach is one of the family friendlier ones, and the parking is relatively easy even on busy Saturday afternoons. Dinner was a visit to a Mediterranean restaurant near our place that had a good deal on kiddie meals. We dropped by for some coffee at the nearby Starbucks and went home late in the evening - exhausted but joyful. The next day after church service and lunch, we went looking for an ice cream parlor and found out that it just recently closed. No problem - the nearby grocery store had some ice cream and pretty soon, we were enjoying the treats near a fountain. A visit to a playground and hitting some balls at a tennis court rounded out our anniversary weekend.



Friday, July 17, 2009

Sagada.wsThere's a relatively new and nice website on Sagada - and the URL uses a ".ws" domain, the Internet country code top level for "Western Samoa". I thought this strange and interesting and after doing some googling, I found out that the ".ws" domain is being marketed as "dot website". Sagada.ws is great because it is listing Sagada businesses - a first in the Internet. It has 22 in the list so far, and I hope it continues to grow. It does help to promote this website especially as it features Sagada Weaving in its front page, haha. Sagada.ws lists the Sagada Hospital website and Tom Coghill's Fasting.ws as sister sites.

South Beach Diet works...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

sagada igorot blog - south beach dietGrowing up, I was always skinny. No matter how much I ate, I never seemed to gain weight. This was true all the way until college, and when I started working. Then I got married. And I suppose as true in almost a 100% of the cases, I started to pack it in. I never tracked my weight until recently, but I knew it wasn't a good situation when my clothes started NOT to fit. And then came the reminders. An aunt, very much aware that my dad passed away due to cardiac arrest at the age of 48 warned me to watch it. Other well-meaning relatives warned me of the same. Aside from my clothes not fitting, I also realized I was tiring easily. I couldn't keep up with my boys on a few minutes of soccer. My annual wellness check-up last year indicated I was well into the overweight stage - closer to being obese than being in the normal range. My blood sugar was up, and my cholesterol level was not ideal.


IGOROTak (Igorot Ako / I'm an Igorot) Shirts

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

naduma igorotak shirtI'm running behind on my blogging; and will be attempting to catch up. What better way to do that than to blog about our IGOROTAK shirts. My cousin, a store manager of her older sister's NADUMA shop in SM Baguio, was searching the Internet for IGOROTAK shirts when she came across my blog post from August of last year when we attended an Igorot party here in Chicago and saw many fellow Igorots wearing the shirts. She felt bad that we didn't have our own so she sent 10 shirts through the mail - two for each of us. These shirts are just way cool! We immediately wore it to a party and had a friend begging to have one of them. My wife replied in jest - "Bakit, Igorot ka ba?" (Why, are you an Igorot?) It was just a testament of the shirts' uber-coolness. I wore my IGOROTAK shirt proudly to work during casual Friday and it was a conversation starter. I was asked multiple times what it meant, and of course, I willingly explained. Sharing more photos -