Sagada Restaurants and Cafes

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sagada RestaurantsSagada is fast gaining a reputation for the splendid food offered by its restaurants and cafes. From cafes that serve home-made yoghurt and lemon pies, to sumptous meals cooked by a French chef, there are now plenty of choices for eating out than ever before. Some guesthouses have their own dining rooms but one can always find a good restaurant in town serving delectable dishes for all kinds of tastes.

When in Sagada, sample dishes with local produce - vegetables are fresh and crisp. Look also for locally grown fruits that are not easily available anywhere else in the Philippines. Depending on the season, fruits such as masa flora (passion fruit), persimmon, pomengranate, and pears are available in the market or even in the wild. One can also befriend an i-Sagada for a taste of the heavenly pinikpikan (a local chicken dish) and a swig of tapey (rice wine). I did hear that one restaurant serves pinikpikan at a very high price.

Popular Restaurants include the Yoghurt House, Log Cabin, the Sagada Lemon Pie House, Alfred's Cabin, Rock Cafe, St. Joseph Cafe, Bilig Cafe, and Cuisina Igorota.