VIDEO: Sagada Scenes

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

One of my favorite Sagada videos in YouTube. Shot by Aussie-based filmmaker, Luke Abeya Torrevillas. Sitemap

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Sagada Attractions
Sagada Can't Miss Sites
Sagada Caves
Sagada Events
Sagada Facts
Sagada Hanging Coffins
Sagada Landmarks
Sagada Pictures
Sagada Recent History
Sagada Restaurants
Sagada Rice Terraces
Sagada Tourist Map
Sagada Tours
Sagada Travel Tips
Sagada Videos
Sagada Waterfalls

Other SAGADA Topics:

Sagada Folk Stories
Sagada in the News
Sagada Issues
Sagada Locals
Sagada Memories
Sagada News-Blogs
Sagada Song
Sagada Websites / Blogs

The IGOROT People:

Igorot Dances
Igorot Discrimination
Igorot Ethnic Groups
Igorot Events
Igorot History
Igorot Identity
Igorot Pictures/Videos
Igorot Recipe
Igorot Websites/Blogs
Igorotland News
Igorots in the News
Igorots Worldwide


Family / Personal Experiences
Miscellaneous Posts
Philippine Topics
Website Updates


Igorot News-Blogs
Sagada News-Blogs

Blog Roll

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Igorot Bloggers from Sagada:

Sagada Travel Blogs:

Fellow Igorot/Cordillera Bloggers:

Igorot Businesses Online:
Filipino Bloggers:

Blog Guestbook

This post is intended to log comments from any reader or blog visitor who doesn't want to comment on a specific blog post. Please make your presence felt by leaving a comment.

After 10 Years...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sagada View. Photo courtesy of Tiff. Taken 01/2008.

Our website, Kamulo and Kosta's Home, has been around for more than 10 years now. I first published this site on Dec 1997; and Kosta and I have not been married yet.

This year, we are about to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. So much has happened. With the advent of blogging, and with Internet reaching Sagada, there are now so many sites offering photos, articles, websites on both SAGADA and the IGOROT people. It's been an amazing 10 years. I dont think that I will have the time to update any of the content of this site (except for some tidying up here and there). What I do know is I will be updating this blog with updates on our family, and highlighting existing SAGADA and IGOROT content that is available in the Internet.

To our visitors, WELCOME.
Appreciate if you can leave feedback once in a while.
