2 Sagada Blogs finalists in 2009 Philippine Blog Awards

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kudos to two Sagada blogs for being named as finalists for the 2009 Philippine Blog Awards nationwide categories. The SAGADA GENUINE GUIDES ASSOCIATION and the SAGADA LEMON PIE HOUSE were cited in the Best Travel and Best Business blog categories, respectively. The Philippine Blog Awards aims to recognize notable Filipino-owned blogs in their respective niches. The awards night were held at the PETA-PHINMA Theater in New Manila, Quezon City last October 9, 2009. Though the Sagada entries didn't get the biggest prize in their categories, I salute them for being included among the chosen few. I hope to see a Sagada blog win a category one day. Click this link for a complete list of the Philippine Blog Awards finalists.

Respecting the Landslide Victims

I've seen Facebook photo galleries of the landslide tragedies in Benguet and Mountain Province - particularly that of Little Kibungan and Tadian. The images were very graphic. I saw the faces of those who perished, a lot of them muddied but very recognizable. In one photo, I saw a dead child, very stiff and still in his pajamas being carried by 2 adults. In the same picture, I saw another adult, with his phone camera, most likely taking pictures of what's going on. This child has family and relatives - some of them surviving no doubt. I don't believe they would have wanted this particularly image to have been posted in social networking sites for all to see. Don't add more to the suffering of the victims. Do respect the landslide victims.

Sagada Pictures at Lawstude's Journeys

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I was viewing a list of recent Sagada blogs and was impressed with posts from Atty. Oman's blog. His latest Sagada photo gallery features Sagada Weekend Market images. Viewing those images were like a ratatouille moment for me. That's what our family refers when describing something very familiar that gives you a warm nostalgic feeling; very much like how the food critic in the movie felt when he had his first bite of the ratatouille dish. Definitely, those Sagada market images reminded me of the many Saturdays helping my mother and my grandma with those market chores. It was one of the tasks I didn't particularly like as a kid, but which I remembered with fondness as an adult. View more Sagada pictures at the Lawstude Journey blog.

Dozens Killed in Benguet, Mountain Province, Baguio landslides

Friday, October 9, 2009

Baguio LandslideI was checking the news early today and I'm deeply saddened to read that dozens of people have died in landslides impacting the Igorot provinces of Benguet, Mountain Province, and Baguio. Benguet is the most affected with 120 deaths. Tadian in Mountain Province has suffered 23 deaths, and Baguio reported 25 deaths. The landslides were triggered by the weeklong rains brought about by Typhoon Parma. The Halsema highway that links Sagada and Baguio is closed. Related News Articles: Philippine mudslides, floods kill more than 160; Dozens Killed in Landslides in Philippines; Rain, floods in N. Philippines kill over 100; 51 bodies recovered in Benguet landslides Photo Credit: TimesOnline.co.uk

Sagada Redux - Part Deux

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

sagada persimmon pictureHere's a sequel to an earlier post of Sagada black and white pictures (See Sagada Redux - Sagada B&W Photos). Caesar Gonzales, a friend from high school took the photos during his recent Sagada visit last August 2009. He has informed me that he is planning another visit with a common friend also from high school. I'm envious that he got to visit Sagada more than I have in the past 2 years or so. His photographs are a good consolation though. They remind me of some black and white photos I acquired from a French photographer who visited Sagada in the 1980s. (See my previous posts: 1980s Sagada Images by a French Photographer - Part I & 1980s Sagada Images by a French Photographer - Part II). Enjoy the second batch of pictures below:


Woman in Philippines catches Oklahoma burglars through webcam

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Woman in Philippines catches Oklahoma Burglars through webcam
I read Yahoo's collection of Odd News once in awhile to look for interesting stories. A story caught my eye on how a Filipina, married to an American Air Force seargeant, was instrumental in catching 3 burglary suspects in Oklahoma city, even though she was in the Philippines. How did she do it? Through a webcam that she uses to communicate with her husband. Huling-huli sila. I'm re-posting the full text of this AP story:


To all Filipinos Everywhere, from a Concerned Pinay

Sunday, October 4, 2009

philippine flag @ sagada igorotI got the following letter forwarded through Sagada's St. Mary's School Alumni email group and thought it was an inspiring read to start the week. The letter is from a concerned Filipina and from its salutation, it is a plea to all Filipinos everywhere. Very well written - I couldn't help but nod in agreement while going through the letter. The only things I would add is to pray for (a) servant leaders who love GOD, the Philippines, and their neighbors as much as they love themselves to increase in numbers - I'm sure they exist though very rare; and (b) for current leaders to have a change of heart and become the servant leaders I described in (a). Here's the full letter:

To all Filipinos Everywhere:


Typhoon Pepeng/Parma kills 12 in Benguet

typhoon pepengThe Cordillera province of Benguet suffered 12 deaths due to Typhoon Pepeng, internationally known as Parma. Provincial police director Chief Superintendent Loreto Espinili reported that the deaths were caused by 2 landslides. In the only article I can find on the typhoon's impact on Sagada, a resident describes that there were no evacuations and that it is "windy and raining, but it is not strong." Multiple roads in the Cordilleras were deemed impassable in the typhoon's aftermath.

Related Articles: Pepeng kills 15, Latest typhoon kills 16 in northern Philippines, Relief as Typhoon Parma veers course, 'Pepeng' renders roads in N. Luzon impassable. Photo Credit: Inquirer.net

BIBBAK Illinois, American Igorots raising funds for Ondoy victims

bibbak illinoisBIBBAK Illinois (see photo), in association with the American Igorot group, will be performing Igorot dances on stage at the local Asian Heritage Festival this Sunday. This is an effort to help raise relief funds under the American Red Cross for victims of Typhoon Ketsana. My family won't be there due to prior commitments, but we'll be praying for the success of the fund raising effort. Here's the full post from Rex Delson taken from the American Igorot Facebook page:


Sagada Redux - Sagada B&W Photos

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sagada Picture 1I haven't blogged in awhile, and a nice way to start again is by posting some excellent black and white pictures of Sagada. The photos were taken by a friend from high school during his Aug 2009 Sagada trip. Topher, as we used to call him then, is from Baler, Aurora and has been one of the few individuals I would credit for keeping me sane during those crazy high school years. I'm no art / photo critic but having spent my early years in Sagada, I know when photos do justice to the beauty of my hometown. These group of photos capture Sagada in a unique yet familiar way it made me think of my childhood days all over again. Salamat, Topher. Gawi-gawis. Matago-tago ka! (Loosely translated - it means "Thanks Topher, very well done. May you live forever"). Hehehe. I'm definitely looking forward to more of his future Sagada pictures. Meanwhile, enjoy a sampling of them here:


Bagyong Ondoy: What it Didn't Drown

Friday, October 2, 2009

PHOTO: Cars a block away from where our apartment stood in Provident Village, Marikina.

We were at the newly bought house of friends, celebrating with them, when I first heard about the flooding in the Philippines. I didn’t mind it that much, until I saw the photos. And the videos – and the news articles too. That got my attention. And we’ve been glued to all the updates we could get back home on the aftermath of Bagyong Ondoy.


Chicago Loses 2016 Olympic Bid

Sayang! Chicago didn’t win the right to host the Olympics on 2016. If we were going to stay here until then, our family would have volunteered for the Games. Anyway, it’s also good that Rio de Janiero won the bid so the continent of South America will have its 1st chance to host the Olympics. Furthermore, the US hosted 2 of the last 7 Olympic Games – with the universal nature of the games, it’s just right to have others take turns in hosting it.