Sagada Photo Galleries 2 - April 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
This is a continuation of a list of Sagada photo galleries that have been published by Sagada visitors recently. Most photos would have been taken during the Holy Week on April 2009, when droves of local tourists go to the Cordilleras to escape the searing summer sun of the lowlands and enjoy the cool climate of this region.More than 2 dozen photographs of Sagada scenes and local profiles are found in this photographer's blog post. There are more photos available in a private gallery that is password protected. Check out Blue Ideas Surviving Sagada Galleries
Neriz Agraam's blog, just a glimpse & more, features multiple posts and photos of their recent trip to Sagada. I always smile when I see a photo of Sagada Weaving (see thumbnail), the shop started by my grandmother, and which is now managed by my cousins in Sagada. The Sagada posts on this blog include: Sagada: Kiltepan Viewpoint; Sagada: Off to The Hanging Coffins; Sagada: The Lemon Pie House; Sagada: The Residential Lodge and More; Sagada: The Sumaguing Cave Experience
Frustrated's Sagada post has more than a dozen Sagada scenes of terraces, the cave, flowers, and my favorite - the one of the "pinit" at the end of his gallery.
The putograb blog has photos of rice terraces, hanging coffins, other Sagada sceneries, and some food images. The blogger describes Sagada as "an excellent destination for those looking for adventure; the geography offers caves ideal for spelunking even by amateur cave explorers, as well as several scenic hiking trails."
A trio of pictures that are both fun and creative can be found at the Sagada Genuine Guides blog. I thought this was a natural thing to do in the caves but it's the first time I've seen it. Check these photos and smile.
View more than a dozen quality photos of Kiltepan sunrise scenes at the [LIVE].[LAUGH].[LEARN] blog. Simply beautiful.
Related Link: Sagada Photo Galleries 1 - April 2009
Hi, SaGaDa-iGoRot. Thanks for posting my photos. I am glad you enjoyed them; it was my intention anyway to share the beauty of your hometown to the world. Too bad, as the title of this blog indicates, I am using only a so-so megapixel digital Olympus so the photos may not be as breathtaking. But if you ask me, I'd prefer seeing the actual, there in Mountain Province. Again, thank you.
How about this:
Stroll in SagadaDo you recognize the author?
(ps -off topic; can you make your links to open in new tab/window? so we can easily go back to your page)
i-dekkan, thanks for sharing that youtube video. i watched every second of the full 9-minute presentation. very good! i actually wrote a separate blog post on it.
with regards to opening the links in a new tab/window, i'll check that out. not sure if its the best for this blog though. what you can do while i haven't changed anything yet, is not to click directly on the links on my blog.
rather, do the following:
1. right click on a link
2. select "OPEN in NEW WINDOW / TAB"
thanks much and appreciate the constant visits and comments. ala ngarud. is next time abes.
Hi SaGaDa-iGoRot,
thanks for featuring my multiply account in your blog. i really am glad that you liked it.
Sagada is really such a nice place to go! :)
more power to your site! :)
owner of [LIVE][LAUGH][LEARN] site.
Hi there.
I was in Sagada for the first time during the first weekend of March to spend my birthday. I definitely fell in love with it! As a matter of fact, I am coming back in May to savor its beauty once again and to take more photos.
Sharing with you my blog and the links to several photo albums (i love Sagada so much, I have 5 albums dedicated to this place!):
Hi. Thanks for dropping by my blog. You have a great site right here.
You may want to visit my daughter's pic and blog too. They're at I believe she's coming up with an article on surviving sagada.
Hi, Sagada-Igorot. Thanks for linking me up, Sagada is a great place and i'd love to visit again soon. :D
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